Traveling Without Actually Going Anywhere: Universal Yums from the Netherlands

Meandering Mandy
2 min readJan 27, 2021


Do you remember how my husband bought me a six-month subscription box from Universal Yums which has snacks from around the world? If not, go read my blog post titled, “Traveling Without Actually Going Anywhere: Universal Yums from Italy,” and then come back to read this post!

My next box arrived, and this time, it was filled with treats from the Netherlands! I have been to this country before, so it brought back some fun memories of my trip there with two of my friends. (Be on the lookout for blog posts about that trip, that I’ll post later!)

The included booklet again came with trivia and fun facts. Did you know there’s a mountaintop on display at the Dutch Teylers Museum in Haarlem? I didn’t, and I even went there! Maybe it wasn’t on display when I was there or maybe I just missed it… It was crowded with a lot of stuff!

If you know my husband, you know that he despises gummy candy, licorice, and even Jello, so I knew he would not like some of the candy in this box. I definitely did not like the fruit and licorice gummy candies! Surprisingly, the booklet states, “The average Dutch person buys more licorice than toothpaste — a whopping four pounds per year!” Yuck! I think they’d need more toothpaste after eating all that licorice! The box also held gummy candies shaped like cars!

In addition, this box came with cheese and onion potato chips, which honestly, tasted just like regular potato chips to me. I could hardly tell there was any cheese or onion flavor to it.

Our favorite part of this box was the caramel stroopwafels! I should have taken a picture of these out of the package, but by the time I thought of it, the goodies were already eaten! The booklet suggested eating it with a cup of a hot beverage, so we made hot chocolate. It tasted better not dipped in the hot chocolate, but the combination of drinking hot chocolate and eating the caramel stroopwafel was still delicious! We also enjoyed the spiced cookies dipped in white, milk, and dark chocolate — David of course ate all the dark chocolate cookies!

I can’t wait to see where our taste buds will travel to next month!

*I was not compensated for this review.



Meandering Mandy
Meandering Mandy

Written by Meandering Mandy

Hello! I am a young woman living in Indiana who loves to travel and share my stories with the world!

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