Meandering Mandy is Taking Off!
Hello again! Thank you for continuing to read my travel blog, Meandering Mandy! I feel that I need to do a better job of introducing myself to you. So in my last (and first!) post, I mentioned that I work with business students. Whenever I am not traveling, I work in higher education. I have worked professionally for a college (not including work study during college) since October 2011. That has been over nine years! My career path has meandered a bit, as I have worked in workforce development, career services, academic advising, program coordination, and transfer student services.
Outside of work, I have a few hobbies besides traveling: ballroom dancing, bowling, writing, reading, and playing board games. If any of these topics relate to traveling, then I will certainly write about them in my blog! I have done some traveling for ballroom dance competitions, so keep a look out for those stories! My favorite dances are the rumba and the tango. I started dancing in college, and I never stopped!
I live in Indiana. I used to live in Indianapolis, which was the biggest city I had ever lived in, and it took me awhile to get used to. The biggest adjustment I had to make was getting acclimated with the traffic! Traveling around a major city can sometimes be a nightmare! You never know when there will be an accident, stupid drivers, construction, slow drivers, and/or broken traffic lights. I even bought a new car to get better gas mileage and a backup camera within my first six months of living there! I also wanted a smaller car to help with driving around the city and to actually parallel park in! Since living in Indianapolis, I have moved to a different city which is much smaller, but not as small as the town I grew up in.
Travelling has been my passion since I can remember, and I am so glad I am finally accomplishing my goal of publishing a travel blog! I appreciate you reading, and I hope you continue to read my stories!
Thank you,
Meandering Mandy